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June Review

Jul 03, 2024

June Review

By Adam Novakovic

The summer is now underway, with disappointing weather and England under-performing at a major football tournament, it may be understandable if a sense of déjà vu is in the air. This nagging sense of familiarity extended into the energy markets, with the major narratives impacting gas and electricity prices echoing the news of previous months.

Wholesale energy prices stayed range-bound as indecision reigned in the markets. Traders seemed uncertain whether now is the time to submit buy orders or to be more cautious, and this led to prices remaining stable throughout the month.

One of the major stories – which now seems to be a monthly occurrence – was unexpected outages impacting Norwegian supply. The Sleipner Riser connection hub suffered an outage at the beginning of the month, impacting supplies of LNG being delivered to the UK and mainland Europe. This news caused a small jump in gas prices and further highlighted the dangers of being reliant on gas imports. 

Norway was not the only country dealing with supply disruptions during June. The Chevron-owned, Australian Wheatstone LNG facility suffered a 2-week outage due to unexpected repairs.

This facility is largely used to supply East Asia, and -- with numerous parts of Asia facing increased energy demand as a result of heatwaves -- the LNG market has become more competitive. The combination of increased demand and supply issues might be the primary factor for keeping prices at their current levels. With concerns about supply from the Middle East beginning to fade, it would have been reasonable to expect energy prices to fall if not for the complex supply/demand relationship being exacerbated by these issues.

It would be no surprise to hear that small businesses are concerned by the prospect of rising energy costs. A recent survey by the Federation of Small Businesses confirmed that more than half of small businesses surveyed were worried about rising energy costs in the coming years. With energy costs having a significant impact upon the bottom line of many businesses, it has never been more important to ensure you are not paying more than necessary. If you would like a free market review drawn up for you ahead of your next renewal, email and we can have a market comparison prepared, allowing you to see which options would be best for you.


Cornwall Insights lowered their price predictions for energy costs in the final quarter of this year. However, it does still represent an increase on their 3rd quarter predictions. It is normal for there to be seasonal variation and for prices to rise in winter when there will be increased demand.

Last year, prices fell into winter as Europe has gas reserve levels at near capacity. This has been achieved through purchasing between periods of heavy demand. This year, it appears that this may be more difficult to achieve due to increased Asian demand. If storage levels are not at the same levels as last year, we may see price spikes in December/January, spikes that could become more significant should weather conditions be worse than anticipated.

If your business requires advice with its energy procurement, management, or planning, then don’t hesitate to contact Seemore Energy to speak to experienced advisors who can help you with bespoke strategies and advice that is tailored to your needs. 


02 Oct, 2024
September Review By Adam Novakovic September was a rollercoaster month for UK energy prices. In the wholesale market, prices dropped 20% from the start of the month through to the 19 th , only to then rise over the final 11 days of September -- undoing much of the previous work. In this article, we will review the factors behind these moves. As mentioned in previous months, the resumption of Norwegian gas production was always set to be a boost to the markets. At the start of the month, Norwegian supplies resumed. This, coupled with the healthy reserve levels, led the markets to believe concerns on the supply-side were overstated, and this caused prices to drop. There were some temporary increases in demand as the UK entered a cold snap a couple of weeks into September, but this was a minor speed bump in the path of the descending energy prices. One of the main fears surrounding energy supply is that no deal has yet been agreed to suitably replace the Russian gas that will cease being delivered when its contract terminates at the end of 2024. So, it was a big boost when news began to circulate that Ukraine and Azerbaijan had reached a deal where Ukraine would deliver Azerbaijani gas to mainland Europe. Prices continued to sink further as news spread, and this was seen as beneficial to the supply of gas throughout the continent. However, the Ukrainian news outlet that first broke the news was forced to issue a retraction as the Azerbaijani energy ministry denied the story and Ukrainian government sources clarified that no such deal was in place. This caused prices to rise sharply as the markets now had a renewed focus on the hole that may be left in the supply-side picture when Russia’s deal with Europe reaches its conclusion. A further catalyst for rising prices then came from the Middle East. While it appeared many Arab nations had been keen to pursue a peace deal, any hopes of conflicts subsiding quickly were ended with Israeli operations targeting Iran and Lebanon. It now seems inevitable that the conflict will spread and escalate during the coming months, and the shipping of LNG to Europe will almost certainly be impacted. Whilst it is impossible to accurately predict how geopolitical events will play out, this does seem likely to be a continued source of energy price rises for the foreseeable future. During September, it was revealed that the UK has the highest energy prices of all industrialised nations, more than double the per unit cost of Portugal and more than 3 times the cost of some Scandinavian nations. In not-unrelated news, OFGEM announced that UK energy debt has now reached £3.7bn, with energy debt having grown by 50% in the previous year. For many businesses, energy spend is an increasingly large concern that has no obvious solution. If you would like to discover ways to reduce your energy spend, or ensure you aren’t paying any more than necessary, visit or feel free to contact me at . Outlook Even though the month has ended with sharply rising prices and growing fears surrounding energy supply, the outlook isn’t all doom and gloom. Initial long-term weather forecasts have shown that – while this winter may be colder than the previous year – it is anticipated to be milder than the average winter. With reserve levels looking healthy and Norwegian gas supply resumed, there doesn’t appear to be any need for fearmongering. While prices may be set to go higher on the news of further conflicts, there are reasons to be optimistic about the direction of energy prices beyond the coming winter. In 2025 we should see more LNG available to the market as new supplies (particularly in the US and Qatar) come online. And, whilst there may have been a false-start this month, any positive news regarding the replacing of Russian gas flows would also have the potential to significantly lower prices. If your business requires advice with its energy procurement, management, or planning, then don’t hesitate to contact Seemore Energy to speak to experienced advisors who can help you with bespoke strategies and advice that is tailored to your needs.
03 Sept, 2024
August Review By Adam Novakovic  As summer draws to an end, gas and electricity prices have been rising. Often the threat of colder temperatures is enough to create fears surrounding energy demand, but this year the reasons for rising prices have little to do with predicted winter usage. This article will cover the stories behind why prices rose throughout August and look at which factors are likely to impact energy prices for the remainder of 2024. Wholesale energy prices peaked on the 10 th , shortly after Ukrainian forces had crossed Russian borders and captured the Sudzha gas metering station. Initially, there were fears that fighting near the station may have caused structural damage that could impact the flow of gas into Europe. The Sudzha station is part of the only pipeline importing Russian gas into the continent, responsible for the flow of almost 15 billion cubic meters of gas per year. In spite of Ukrainian forces taking control of the station, gas flows have been reported to be unchanged, although it has spiked fears regarding the vulnerability of the pipeline. Further east, conflicts between Israel and a number of neighbouring countries have become increasingly concerning. With Iran being dragged further into the conflict -- raising concerns of prolonged hostilities in the region -- there are growing worries about the safety of LNG shipments passing through the strait of Hormuz . These fears have been keeping prices high for the past few months and until the conflict looks closer to being resolved, this is a theme likely to be re-visited for the rest of the year. Even further east, Japan and China both logged record temperatures this summer. This heatwave has led to an increased LNG demand, increasing global prices as multiple nations bid for the available supply. This has contributed to the high energy prices in the UK, but is unlikely to be a factor that has a long-term impact, especially as global LNG supply is set to increase over the coming months and years. In recent years Norway has become the number one exporter of gas to Europe. However, in August, Norwegian gas fields entered a period of crucial maintenance work. This leads to a daily reduction of gas flow into Europe that is the equivalent to France’s daily gas consumption. Whilst the maintenance is essential and had been planned far in advance -- given the factors affecting supply from other parts of the world -- the market has been sensitive to the reduced Norwegian gas flows. These are set to continue into September, although normal service should be resumed before the end of the month. Outlook Looking ahead, Cornwall Insight’s forecast for energy prices has predicted that prices will remain above the pre-2022 levels for the foreseeable future. They believe the current trend of energy prices will continue into 2025 and beyond, with geopolitical unrest being a key driver behind prices. In the coming month we can expect to get the first long-term weather forecasts that will give an indication as to how cold or mild this winter is anticipated to be. With gas reserves still at very healthy levels, anything other than a particularly cold winter would likely be positive for energy prices. As with the majority of 2024, international conflicts impacting energy production and shipping are likely to be the main factors behind short-term price movement. However, with the Asian heatwave becoming less of a factor, and Norwegian gas flows expected to resume normal service, we should see prices start to drop towards the end of the month. Whether this begins a more sustained downtrend will likely depend on the development of the previously mentioned conflicts. If your business requires advice with its energy procurement, management, or planning, then don’t hesitate to contact Seemore Energy to speak to experienced advisors who can help you with bespoke strategies and advice that is tailored to your needs.
02 Aug, 2024
July was a month that saw a combination of the familiar and the new. England failing to win at a major football tournament, and a new government taking power. The continuation of narratives that have been catalysts behind energy price moves for most of the year, and fresh challenges that have impacted the global gas supply picture. The month started with some positive news. With Gazprom contracts -- that are vital to central and Eastern European countries – due to expire at the end of this year, there have been concerns about how this supply-shortfall could be filled. So, it was a boost when Ukraine announced that they would be able to assist in sending Azeri gas through their pipelines. This eased some fears, but the story is still developing, and there are worries that this could be a way of disguising Russian gas shipments to get around embargoes. A major threat to the global LNG supply came from the US. The 130km/h winds of Hurricane Beryl hit Texas after the first week of July, causing the Freeport LNG facility to ramp down production. This ramp down led to Freeport producing at levels significantly below capacity for over a week. This did have a negative impact on wholesale gas prices, but more alarmingly shows the vulnerability of relying upon US shipments. Beryl was a category one (the lowest of 5 levels) storm, and forecasters are warning that the upcoming hurricane season could be a particularly bad one. The bad news wasn’t just coming from the west in July. As has been a recurring theme this year, conflict in the Middle East played a large impact on prices as they began to rise. Israel launched significant offensives across the region, likely dragging Iran deeper into the conflict. It now seems inevitable that LNG shipments from the region will be impacted as this conflict looks set to grow throughout August. And closer to home there were issues with EDF’s nuclear reactors. Production was cut at the end of the month due to elevated water temperatures. For now, this is a small issue that may not impact prices, but if the water temperature forces a more sustained closure, then it could become a point of concern. Outlook While the news in July wasn’t the most positive, the outlook for coming months has a lot of factors that could see prices drop further. European gas reserves are now approaching 85% full. This is very high for this time of year and will likely mean there is no unexpected European buying pressure as we go into the colder months. A potential problem that could impact prices in August is the Norwegian gas fields scheduled maintenance. The maintenance operations are scheduled to begin in August and continue into September, although some experts are predicting that the current gas reserve levels should prevent the maintenance projects from having a serious impact on prices, as they had done in June. July also saw Greg Jackson, CEO of Octopus Energy, give a prediction that would have been pleasing to all Scottish energy consumers. He believes that if OFGEM regulatory changes are implemented, Scottish homes and businesses could receive free electricity during times of high winds. Currently, wind turbines shut down when there is an excess of supply to the grid, but a change in the way the grid is operated, and the introduction of dynamic pricing could see free energy during periods of high production. While there is no time-period outlined for when this could take place, we are likely to see more regional pricing become commonplace in the coming years. How energy prices move in the coming month will likely depend on the geopolitical situations in the Middle East, and whether the fears surrounding the temporary reduction in Norwegian output will outweigh the confidence in the high European reserve levels. Keeping an eye out for long-term weather forecasts will also be prudent. If your business requires advice with its energy procurement, management, or planning, then don’t hesitate to contact Seemore Energy to speak to experienced advisors who can help you with bespoke strategies and advice that is tailored to your needs.
03 Jul, 2024
June Review By Adam Novakovic The summer is now underway, with disappointing weather and England under-performing at a major football tournament, it may be understandable if a sense of déjà vu is in the air. This nagging sense of familiarity extended into the energy markets, with the major narratives impacting gas and electricity prices echoing the news of previous months. Wholesale energy prices stayed range-bound as indecision reigned in the markets. Traders seemed uncertain whether now is the time to submit buy orders or to be more cautious, and this led to prices remaining stable throughout the month. One of the major stories – which now seems to be a monthly occurrence – was unexpected outages impacting Norwegian supply. The Sleipner Riser connection hub suffered an outage at the beginning of the month, impacting supplies of LNG being delivered to the UK and mainland Europe. This news caused a small jump in gas prices and further highlighted the dangers of being reliant on gas imports. Norway was not the only country dealing with supply disruptions during June. The Chevron-owned, Australian Wheatstone LNG facility suffered a 2-week outage due to unexpected repairs. This facility is largely used to supply East Asia, and -- with numerous parts of Asia facing increased energy demand as a result of heatwaves -- the LNG market has become more competitive. The combination of increased demand and supply issues might be the primary factor for keeping prices at their current levels. With concerns about supply from the Middle East beginning to fade, it would have been reasonable to expect energy prices to fall if not for the complex supply/demand relationship being exacerbated by these issues. It would be no surprise to hear that small businesses are concerned by the prospect of rising energy costs. A recent survey by the Federation of Small Businesses confirmed that more than half of small businesses surveyed were worried about rising energy costs in the coming years. With energy costs having a significant impact upon the bottom line of many businesses, it has never been more important to ensure you are not paying more than necessary. If you would like a free market review drawn up for you ahead of your next renewal, email and we can have a market comparison prepared, allowing you to see which options would be best for you. Outlook Cornwall Insights lowered their price predictions for energy costs in the final quarter of this year. However, it does still represent an increase on their 3 rd quarter predictions. It is normal for there to be seasonal variation and for prices to rise in winter when there will be increased demand. Last year, prices fell into winter as Europe has gas reserve levels at near capacity. This has been achieved through purchasing between periods of heavy demand. This year, it appears that this may be more difficult to achieve due to increased Asian demand. If storage levels are not at the same levels as last year, we may see price spikes in December/January, spikes that could become more significant should weather conditions be worse than anticipated. If your business requires advice with its energy procurement, management, or planning, then don’t hesitate to contact Seemore Energy to speak to experienced advisors who can help you with bespoke strategies and advice that is tailored to your needs.
04 Jun, 2024
May Review By Adam Novakovic, Energy Markets Consultant In a month that saw the football season draw to a close with a surprise result in the FA cup final, there were surprises in the energy markets as prices continued to rise despite most European countries currently boasting healthy gas reserves. The month began with the Viking Link interconnector – which transports gas between the UK and Denmark – receiving a Guinness world record for being the longest land and subsea High Voltage Direct Current interconnector. However, the supply of gas from Scandinavia to the UK proved to be a negative story throughout the month. Norwegian gas fields: Kolsnes, Troll, Gassco all suffered from lower output due to maintenance during May. The timely resumption of production following maintenance has been historically described as “unreliable”, and the market responded with caution as prices steadily rose. The quick return to normal production levels will help to restore confidence in the market, but any further negative news is likely to be met with further rises in price. Closer to home, there was more negative news on the production side. In recent months UK energy production has dropped 6.8% when compared to the previous year. A large part of this is due to the increased focus on renewable energy sources. We also saw strikes announced at the Dounreay power plant in Scotland, which is set to contribute towards lower production levels in the UK. Another factor contributing to the rising energy prices has been due to changes in demand in the LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) market. Extreme temperatures in Asia have led to an increase in LNG purchases. This has occurred at the same time power issues impacted LNG production in Malaysia, and production was halted at an export facility in Australia. The only positive during this time was the Freeport facility in the US returning to full capacity and helping somewhat ease the strain in the LNG market. Further pressure on the supply of energy to Europe came from Austria. While many European nations stopped receiving gas from Gazprom in 2022, Austria continued to import gas from the Russian company. However, it now seems as though the Austrian government will look to end their reliance on Russian imports in a move that could have a ripple effect on gas prices throughout Europe. As in previous months, geopolitical instability is still a key factor in rising energy prices. Concerns about the Russia/Ukraine conflict persist, and new fears have emerged that Iran could block shipments passing through the Strait of Hormuz. 20% of the world’s LNG exports pass through the strait, with the UK being reliant on imports from Qatar. If this problem worsens, it will put further pressure on the LNG market and lead to prices rising further. Domestically, a study conducted by Centrica has shown that energy costs are still a big concern for UK businesses. One third of businesses surveyed stated that unpredictable energy costs have limited their growth in the past year. More than half of UK businesses are now looking at onsite generation as a way of helping reduce their energy costs. If your business is struggling with energy costs and you would like to talk about the options available to you, send me an email ( ) and we can discuss the methods available to help lower your energy spend. Outlook OFGEM lowered their price cap for the 3 rd quarter of 2024 by 7%. Despite the factors that have negatively impacted prices in the last month, this shows there is still a consensus that prices will continue to drop for the remainder of the year. Consultancy firm Cornwall Insights also predicted a drop in energy prices during the coming quarter. Additionally, they foresaw a small price rise in October, before a further drop in January of 2025. Although it should be noted that they acknowledged the unpredictability of the energy markets at this time. One of the main factors that will affect prices in the coming month will be how quickly full production can be resumed in Norway, with less downtime for maintenance expected in June than in May. If full output can be quickly resumed and the LNG market doesn’t suffer any further issues with supply then it’s likely prices will fall, however, news out of the Middle East should be watched closely, as further disruptions to imports from Qatar could see prices rise further. If your business requires advice with its energy procurement, management, or planning, then don’t hesitate to contact Seemore Energy to speak to experienced advisors who can help you with bespoke strategies and advice that is tailored to your needs.
23 May, 2024
Shaping Metal, Cutting Costs Having worked closely with metal fabrication companies, we know that in the world of metal fabrication, keeping up with demand and tight margins can be a constant struggle. While traditional cost-cutting tactics like negotiating per-part prices might seem appealing, they often overlook bigger-picture savings, including those related to energy consumption. In this article we look at how to get the most out of working with metal fabricators, and what measures metal fabrication companies can take to help keep costs low. Strategies for Long-Term Savings with Energy Efficiency in Mind Here are key strategies to adopt a cost-avoidance mentality in metal fabrication, while keeping an eye on your energy bill: Early Design Choices: By exploring designs that minimise material usage and optimise production processes, you can reduce the overall energy required for fabrication. Exploring Alternative Production Methods: While upfront costs for processes like roll forming might seem high, they can be well worth it for high-volume production runs, especially if they involve less energy-intensive processes compared to traditional methods. Evaluating long-term cost-per-unit reductions, including energy consumption, can help justify the initial investment. Tooling Cost Amortisation: Partnering with a fabricator offering tooling cost amortisation allows you to spread the investment over time, minimising the immediate financial burden. This facilitates adopting high-volume production solutions without impacting cash flow, potentially leading to less energy-intensive production runs. Optimising Inventory Management: Holding excess inventory not only ties up capital but also incurs storage and labour costs, and often requires additional energy for climate control. Consider outsourcing inventory management or implementing just-in-time delivery systems to ensure a steady supply without unnecessary inventory costs and the associated energy consumption for storage. Smart Scheduling for Energy Savings: Many energy providers offer time-of-use billing, where electricity costs fluctuate depending on peak demand periods. Work with your metal fabrication partner to explore scheduling production runs during off-peak hours to take advantage of lower electricity rates. This can significantly reduce your overall energy expenditure. The Power of Strategic Partnerships with a Focus on Energy Efficiency Beyond cost-per-part negotiations, metal fabrication sourcing can be a springboard for building sustainable supplier relationships with a focus on energy efficiency. Partnering with the right metal fabricator can unlock significant cost savings and efficiency gains, including reductions in energy consumption. Here's how: Access to Advanced, Energy-Efficient Technology: Partnering with a fabricator that invests in cutting-edge, energy-efficient equipment and processes allows you to leverage their technology without the upfront investment. This can lead to improved product quality, reduced material waste, faster production times, and lower energy consumption. Look for fabricators that utilise technologies like LED lighting, variable-speed drives on motors, and efficient heating and cooling systems. Streamlined Production Processes with Energy Savings in Mind: The right fabrication partner can analyse your needs and suggest alternative materials, processes, or even design changes that optimise production efficiency, reduce costs, and minimise energy consumption. For example, they may recommend using lighter weight materials or processes that require less heat. Inventory Management Solutions with Reduced Energy Footprint: Working with a partner who offers just-in-time inventory management systems can eliminate the need for your own storage facilities and personnel, freeing up valuable resources and potentially reducing your energy footprint. By adopting a cost-avoidance approach, building strategic partnerships with a focus on energy efficiency, and implementing smart scheduling practices, metal fabrication companies can move beyond short-term savings and achieve long-term financial benefits. This proactive strategy not only reduces costs but also encourages innovation, enhances product quality, and improves overall competitiveness. For metal fabrication companies looking to reduce their energy spend, a trusted energy broker can be a valuable asset. A broker or energy advisor can help to navigate unit rates and types of contract, identify energy-efficient equipment and practices, and connect them with resources to optimise their energy consumption. Resources such as our free Guide to Lowering Energy Costs for Manufacturing companies ( ). If your business requires any further advice with its energy procurement, management, or planning, then don’t hesitate to contact Seemore Energy to speak to experienced advisors who can help you with bespoke strategies and advice that is tailored to your needs.
07 May, 2024
Energy Consultants: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. In today's volatile energy market, navigating the best deals for your business can be a daunting task. This is where energy brokers help, acting as intermediaries between you and the suppliers. However, with the right level of support & expertise, a suitable Energy Consultant can act as an intermediary between you and the suppliers, providing a beneficial service along the way. Unlike the financial industry -- where regulation is key in protecting customers -- the energy industry isn’t regulated to a high degree. Therefore, more due diligence is needed when trying to determine which consultant would be the best to partner with. So how do you distinguish between the good, the bad and the ugly when trying to secure the best energy advice? The Role of a Consultant: Think of an energy consultant as another arm to your business: Helping you to reduce costs through strategic procurement analysis, assisting with queries and resolving issues with suppliers, as well as energy conservation measures that could improve the sustainability of the business as you transition towards Net Zero. From an Energy Procurement angle, a Good Broker will have relationships with the whole of the market. They will understand all of the products and tariffs offered by each supplier, and -- before they even release your tender to the market -- they will have identified the right type of contract to meet your needs. 
01 May, 2024
A review of the factors impacting UK gas and electricity prices in April 2024, and our views on where prices are heading in the near future
04 Apr, 2024
The Climate Change Levy (CCL) -- a tax on business energy use to encourage environmental responsibility -- is seeing an increase in rates for gas and solid fuels starting April 1, 2024. This is designed to help with the government's goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. What is the CCL? The CCL is an environmental tax added to the electricity and gas bills of businesses and public sector organizations. It incentivises reduced greenhouse gas emissions and improved energy efficiency. There are two main CCL rates: Main Rate: Applies to all businesses in relevant sectors and varies depending on energy usage. Carbon Price Support Rate: Applies to electricity generators and combined heat and power station operators (not changing in 2024). What's Changing? Main Rate Increase: The CCL rate for gas is rising from 0.672 pence per kilowatt-hour (p/kWh) to 0.775 p/kWh, matching the existing rate for electricity. This increase aims to create a level playing field between these energy sources and encourage businesses to be more efficient with both. Solid Fuel Rate Increase: The rate for other solid fuels is also rising proportionally to gas. Discount Rate Adjustments: Businesses participating in Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) receive discounts on the CCL in exchange for meeting energy efficiency targets. These discounts are being adjusted to reflect the main rate increase, ensuring CCA participants don't pay more tax. LPG Rate Frozen: The CCL rate for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) remains unchanged. Impact on Businesses This CCL change will lead to higher energy bills for businesses that rely on gas and solid fuels. To mitigate the financial impact, businesses can explore options such as: Energy Efficiency Audits: Identify areas of energy overuse and implement efficiency measures like LED lighting or improved insulation. Renewable Energy Solutions: Consider switching to renewable energy sources like solar panels to reduce reliance on taxed fuels. Ensuring they have the most competitive rates: By comparing all rates available or using a broker to negotiate on their behalf, businesses can make sure they are not over-paying on their unit rates. The CCL is intended to be a nudge towards environmental responsibility, encouraging businesses to adopt cleaner energy practices. By taking steps to improve energy efficiency, businesses can not only reduce their environmental footprint but also potentially offset the financial impact of the CCL increase. If your business requires advice on how to lower energy bills or create a reduction in carbon emissions, contact us today to see how SeeMore Energy can help you.
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